Thursday, May 6, 2010

Days 24, 24, 26 and into Day 27 - Chips and Cookies

Friend posted this -- Real courage is moving forward when the outcome is uncertain. -  GP's Fortune Cookie

I love it....

So here is the latest scoop... I still have some residual hacking cough fits, but for the most part I have survived this pneumonia fairly well.  As it turns out, after a few revealing x-rays, it was a bit more than laryngitis....yuck.  However, I bought the antibiotics,

On the homefront, I have done little to get organized and clean.  :-(   Instead I opted to rest, veg, and play scrabble.  I am disappointed with myself I could have done more.

Financially, I am in BIG trouble.  My historical compulsive behavior is a bit overwhelming and tough to digest right now.   Over the years, I have accumulated enormous debt and I am hemmoraging.

I messed up my timecard so now as long as I can hold onto my job, I have to wait until the 21st.  Fortunately, I was able to contact some of my creditors and readjust accordingly with only a small penalty.
Nevertheless, made me realize how very tight situation I am in with little to no wiggle room.  I do not have a safety net at all and the consequences seem very scary.  However like the overwhelming loads of laundry and dishes piled high in the sink I will chip away at it and get through... somehow.

The work for PTJ is still looming.  I hope to tackle some folders tonight.  And to be completely caught up by Saturday.  Yes, SAturday seem reasonable for everything -- even though I am very very late.

As far as work here -- very overwhelming.... lots of to do piles....

Likewise, I will chip away at it.... or will try and make a list.... yes, an inventory would help for sure....
Scary part is I feel like I am dealing with a deck of cards and I do not want my world to crumble....

So I am taking small steps and inching my way forward even if I may have stepped back a few.

I am staying true to the "Divide and Conquer" philosophy as I prepare for battle against my piles....


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Days 20, 21, 22 and 23 -- CATCH UP

Ok -- I am falling behind and I need to pick up the pace quickly.  I currently have a few obstacles in my way and hurdles to overcome...Here is what is on my mind of an overall to do or to care for list (not in any particular priority order yet):

1) Laryngitis...
2) Find car key (spare)
3) Find eyeglasses
4) laundry
5) dishes
6) books
7) PTJ List - Files
8) Finances
9) Grad School
10) Volunteer opportunities
11) music
12) photos
13) Contacts - Cross Promotions - Address book
14) Golf

Recap --
Thursday -- home sick with cold -- slept all day
Friday -- some work done in office (but forgot to fill out time card :-(    )
Friday night -- Fun night out with girls on beautiful beautiful cruise around NYC, drinks Irish bar/live music with a new friend
Saturday -- Relaxed a bit then went to a very fun costume party, celebrated a few bdays, saw a band play - Risky Business
Sunday -- found out Seasons closed -- wow a big chapter of my life seemed to have closed with that too, off for a "silent date" with Ed -- i have laryngitis.... going to Fridays then see Date Night.

then tonight I plan to catch up on work and relax.... :-)