Thursday, May 6, 2010

Days 24, 24, 26 and into Day 27 - Chips and Cookies

Friend posted this -- Real courage is moving forward when the outcome is uncertain. -  GP's Fortune Cookie

I love it....

So here is the latest scoop... I still have some residual hacking cough fits, but for the most part I have survived this pneumonia fairly well.  As it turns out, after a few revealing x-rays, it was a bit more than laryngitis....yuck.  However, I bought the antibiotics,

On the homefront, I have done little to get organized and clean.  :-(   Instead I opted to rest, veg, and play scrabble.  I am disappointed with myself I could have done more.

Financially, I am in BIG trouble.  My historical compulsive behavior is a bit overwhelming and tough to digest right now.   Over the years, I have accumulated enormous debt and I am hemmoraging.

I messed up my timecard so now as long as I can hold onto my job, I have to wait until the 21st.  Fortunately, I was able to contact some of my creditors and readjust accordingly with only a small penalty.
Nevertheless, made me realize how very tight situation I am in with little to no wiggle room.  I do not have a safety net at all and the consequences seem very scary.  However like the overwhelming loads of laundry and dishes piled high in the sink I will chip away at it and get through... somehow.

The work for PTJ is still looming.  I hope to tackle some folders tonight.  And to be completely caught up by Saturday.  Yes, SAturday seem reasonable for everything -- even though I am very very late.

As far as work here -- very overwhelming.... lots of to do piles....

Likewise, I will chip away at it.... or will try and make a list.... yes, an inventory would help for sure....
Scary part is I feel like I am dealing with a deck of cards and I do not want my world to crumble....

So I am taking small steps and inching my way forward even if I may have stepped back a few.

I am staying true to the "Divide and Conquer" philosophy as I prepare for battle against my piles....
