Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ahhh so many days have passed without any report I have lost count :-)

Ahhh :-) I am just about a month away from my deadline.   So much to do, so little time.  Fortunately, despite a hectic summer,  progress has been made.   The summer was a blast.  :-)

June -- Soccer games, Roller Derby, catsitting, iWalkiThrive Launch, Gardening, Family, Tamales, Ironbound/BBQ, Cocktails, Shopping, Movies, Clutter overhaul
July -- More soccer games, fireworks, BBQs, Roller Derby, catsitting, WorldCup/Buffalo Wings, Catamount -- Tree Tactics/Ziplining, Miami, NBDS, Dorney Park 2X, the beach, birthday parties, swimming, Portugese/girls night, Spa Days, Palm Trees, Cuban Night, Museums, Movies...
August -- Roller Derby, camping, kayaking, gourmet pizza, Hamptons, Bachlorette Party, Vineyards and Winetasting,  Dorney Park - water slides and roller coasters, Peruvian Family Pahtays and Cowbells, movies, the beach, birthday parties, swimming, Mexican Fiesta Night, Day at the Park, Stargazing/Moonchasing...

For now, I just wanted to get the ball rolling again as I sweep up my -- Countdown to a Clutter Free life :-)

Today's plan --
RC -- work on invoices, make a list of files - PREP SEC stuff
RC/Volunteer -- IThrive -- help with pedometers
Volunteer:  SL -- Finish Application, Draft Letters for Recommendation.  Plan for tomorrow for days...
Car -- Oil Change -- Bring  in Coupon
Social -- Burgers with Friends, SYF
Home -- Laundry, Make piles for paperwork
Family -- Big issues going on.  Will maintain notebook of info.  Be patient.  Stay strong for self/family.

I have accepted that I will not be at my goal weight or have the perfect plan to pay off all my debt, but I definitely feel closer to being better organized :-) one day at a time...