Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 19 -- Bleh

I feel crummy.  I have the chills.  My head is throbbing.  I feel crampy.  I feel congested.  I do not feel postive energy flowing through me now.  I feel like a potato sack - yuck.  Nevertheless, I chipped away at a few to do items.   The shining moment so far was that I really enjoyed today's book club session.  Here is an excerpt from my thank you note to the group leader, VP of a marketing brand:

Thank you for presenting The First 90 Days to the Book Club today. While reading the book I thought about these three simple questions (provided by a mentor) that I ask myself whenever I am making a transition or taking on a new endeavour:

1) What did I do that I want to stop doing

2) What didn’t I do that I want to start doing

3) What did I do that I want to continue doing

This simple exercise allows myself to examine that what worked in one setting may not apply in another. A new “home” or job may require new mandates or protocol. Yet, what may have worked in another setting may also still be a good approach in a new setting/environment. As we discussed in the group, this book seemed to echo some of that philosophy.

I look forward to examining the book futher so that I may help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of my current role, as well as, help others that might be coming on board. I have found it helpful to take assessments on a seasonal basis. Coincidentally, that is a 90 day period.

Many thanks and best wishes in your new home/job,


Well for now I am off to a meeting - one that I will be on time for! :-) woo hoo.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 18 -- Steps and a Plan

Today it became apparent to me that I need a more formal plan to accomplish the goals I would like to achieve.  Today at work I was able to help one of the other assistants with their files.  However, why do I struggle so much with my own?  I need a plan at work.  I need an inventory list of current files made and a list of files to make.  I would also like to create a file/list of tasks I would like to learn/do and skills I would like to acquire.  I would also like to create a list or resource guide of what I work on and/or have accomplished in my current position.

After work, I listened to a teleconference on building a wellness sanctuary.  The organizer provided great examples on simple actions that can be taken to create a space of comfort and serenity at home and at work.  For example:  lighting scented candles, choosing colors that are soothing, or using the good dishes on an ordinary day.  Savoring the moment -- no matter what is going on.  I would like to create a welllness sanctuary at home, at work,  in my car, in my relationships etc :-) ....

In the evening,  I met with a few potential sponsors and invested a little time for PTJ.  Came home to a very pleasant surprise from a good friend -- a reminder that I am the boss of me!!

Now I am at Ed's house trying to comfort him with some goodies as recuperates from a nasty cold.

Til tomorrow -- another chance to organize my desk at work!   

Monday, April 26, 2010

Days 15, 16, 17 -- Ahhhh and then some

Big sigh... Sooo much to catch up on.  Friday night was fun -- girl time chatting about make up, hair styles, and those who have positively influenced us :-).  Saturday morning was a combo of taking care of my hair/nails and getting my car serviced.  Yuck, I needed new brake pads -- $$$. Then had a very yummy two hour sushi lunch at Sushi Palace with Ed in Edison.  Then we retreated to our respective homes for an hour nap.  Ed came back and we drove to Morristown to meet with friends for dinner.  Dinner was followed by a fun evening of dancing and lip syncing to a friend's band belting out hits from 70's, 80's and 90's.  Sunday morning was lazy.  In the afternoon, I met up with PTJ boss's prodigy.  Then I met with a counselor to work on my fatty issues... I have a game plan in place for that...Now if only I would schedule time for myself to exercise and to choose healthier foods/meals I would be all set.   I admit I am having trouble following through and getting started...In a way -- it is another way of procrastinating.  :-) aha.

Today was so/so.  Work was ok.  I spent the evening watching TV shows with Ed.  Now time for bed.  Tomorrow is a fresh start...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 14 - On the run again!!

Running out the door -- headed into the weekend and some fun times ahead!!! :-) Plan to report in tomorrow about progress thus far.  Lots of great ideas on the horizon... :-) Here's to keeping the positive energy alive!! 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 13 -- And another star is born....

Woot woot!! New Idea New Idea -- Flash :-) I went to the a multi-group mixer, major NJ Networking event for young professionals in NJ.  I went there promoting the golf group and PTJ.  It was a great experience.  Hopefully I gave both organizations postive exposure.  I have a new idea for a cross promoting company -- Note to self.  Figure out LLC/business process to make "Kris Cross-Promotions"... Hope no one who reads this -- lol will steal my idea :-).  Or if one does read it and wants to help get me launched - let's do it! rock on :-) .  I realized I am spread out all over the place.  What a neat way for me to network and bring small business together in the community.... under one platform.   The countdown to 10/10/10 has been an exhilerating process so far....Here's to a new star -- my new wish -- and hope that I don't burn myself out before I reach a healthy pace of productivity... :-)  

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 12 -- And so it goes and so it goes

Day 12 -- This will be a real quick entry.  I am headed out the door to a meeting in a few minutes.  I am determined to be there on time today!  I have a couple last minute things to finish up.  Lots on my to do list this week. I am sort of at peace, but kind of struggling to stay focused... :-) Hope to elaborate more later.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 11 -- So/so

Today I am feeling so/so.  To be honest I am a little cranky and unsure of myself.  I am trying to stay focused, but I have stumbled a little bit.  Work was ok.  I was able to get a few objectives done, but does not seem enough.  I did not eat very well today.  Breakfast was ok, dinner not so much.  I am now in West Orange for the PTJ.  Boss could not make it today.  I still have more to wrap up...  So I am going to close out this blog today and continue to chip away at the PTJ project.  I am aiming for a good night sleep by eleven.  Then tomorrow will be a new day :-).   Note to self -- still need to get hotel info, follow up on calendar and to do lists.  Also follow up on A's suggestions.  As far as frustration -- "Time to take it to the TREADMILL" ;-).

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day Nine and Ten -- Woot Woot!!

Day Nine was wonderful!  Ed and I had a fantastic time at the wedding Saturday night.

***Coincidentally we were assigned to Table 10 and our room was 107 [Ten, and for those who know me well, 7 has been "spiritual"/common number in my life -- I can almost hear the chuckles in the distance for this stretch.  Ummm for those who do not know... I was often, if not always, assigned #7 in every sport I played.   I was 7lbs. 7oz. ounces born in 77 - on the 25th ( 2+5=7).  7 letters in my first name, 7 in my middle and last combined.  Over the years and in several particular months, I have had quite a few cherishable experiences on the 7th.  Every single address I have ever lived/worked in has had the number seven in it somewhere (and I have moved quite a bit in 33 years!)  One address was even 341 South 7th Ave Apt 7 - lol.  Currently I live on the 18th floor of my apt but there is no 13th floor so technically I am still on the 17th - lol.  I guess am the quasi superstious "seven is lucky" type.   The numbers 3 and 11 are also very spiritual numbers to me  as well :-) Like I said -- could all be coincidences, but I enjoy observing the patterns.  Even if it is like making that "horoscope wisdom apply perfectly" - LOL***

We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with some of the other wedding guests and then enjoyed a sunny ride home.  After unpacking a bit, Ed and I met up with friends for a nice "southern style" meal at Delta's in New Brunswick, followed by a funny, but crass movie.  We went to go see Hot Tub Time Machine.  It was sooo nice having a weekend of laughter and celebration with good friends.

Although Ed was not overly impressed with the organizing I have done at home thus far, I see the progress.  I have the vision in mind and I can see where "stations" are being allocated to meet my goals.  :-).  Plus this is not about him.  This is my space and my place for self discovery.  :-).  Nevertheless, I can't help but value the feedback from those I care for and about.

Day Ten has been pretty good so far too.  I enjoyed a healthy breakfast  and then was able to organize at my desk for a bit too.  I received my next book for the next book club on April 28th.  This one is titled "The First 90 Days".  On the cover it says, "Critical Success for New Leaders at All Levels".  Not knowing much about what this book will focus on, by the title alone I feel as if I am a new leader of my self with this quest for organization and balance. This seems especially evident to me by taking initiative and using this blog as a tool to plan and document my journey.   :-).  So far it has been fun and a treat I look forward to each day.

Note to self -- Tomorrow follow up on hotel rates for our South Beach girls trip in July.  Also create master list of other outstanding items.  I finally received my "acceptances" from Fed and State.  So checks should be coming along soon to provide a little bit of breathing room.  :-).

Today I spent some time saying prayers of gratitude for some very special people in my life.  I feel blessed.

Ok now on to a meeting.  (One that I am late for -- shocker...).  Tonight I plan to chip away at the PTJ project! I am meeting with that boss tomorrow. yikes.   :-). 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day Seven Plus Day Eight :-) Cause i am late

I initiated this entry last night.    However, while watching a cheesy movie, I became distracted and before I knew it I had lost track of time and it was past midnight.  By then another movie had started and eventually I fell asleep.  (bad pattern).

Unfortunately, I discovered in the morning the text I had written was gone because I had not saved it.  To be honest it was not that thrilling so not that much of a loss.   Basically, I just recapped that yesterday was very productive at my FT job. (At this rate 6 weeks to 2 months I will be completely caught up with all at my full time job.  It will be a complilation of the work I have done since May 2006).  In the evening, I was able to make dinner, get some laundry done, and get organized a little. I still have not tackled my PT job stuff yet... bummer.  Although, on a brighter note, I did hear Jake got a job! Yay!

I am waiting now for Ed to arrive.  We are taking off for a wedding this afternoon somewhere in NY.  Should be fun :-).  I think I have pretty much everything I need.  So not a terrible packing job! yay - small victory!

I still wish I used my time better to work on the stuff for PT job... oh well.  i am going to pack it in the car.  We have an 90 minute drive.  Maybe I can chip away a little of it on the road.

Above all, I hope to relax and enjoy my quality time with Ed.  :-) Balance is what I am striving for!

Hopefully, I will be able to write day nine tomorrow.  If not, I am aiming for day ten on Monday!

Next week's goal will be to get my blackberry running again.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day Six -- Tired and a lil bit cranky :-)

Although overall I am still very optimistic and excited about my project, today I feel quite sluggish and a little bit cranky.  I feel very distracted and therefore definitely having a tough time concentrating.... I managed to get my taxes done late last night, but I did not do them very well.  I have a feeling I am going to have to file an amendment because I rushed through it. However, it is done and according to the software I am due a refund.  I will feel a little bit better once I get the confirmation emails that the IRS (Federal and State) have officially accepted them.  Hopefully this entry is not screaming to the "big guy" Audit Me! Audit Me! :-) lol.

On the homefront, I have boxes and boxes of paper to sort.  It is slightly overwhelming.  I am not even sure of all the files I will create, retain or dispose of.  When will I set aside the time to do it?  Last night's search for previous years taxes and any possible related tax papers created a whirlwind of papers all over the floor.  It looks like a tornado came through my apartment.  Yikes.  I definitely have identified a specific area of improvement!

Now I am on my way home to try and tackle the project for the part time job (which in the future I will reference as PTJ).  At the least today I was able to offer some ideas for soliciting sponsors.

:-) Here's to hoping tonight and then tomorrow is MUCH more productive...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day Five -- Technology... or lack thereof at this point...

My replacement phone, generously loaned to me by a special IT friend, is about to die because I do not have the charger with me.  I still don't know if the blackberry I heavily invested in will ever work again.  I have not had consistent internet access in my apartment.  I am slightly worried that I am not going to be able to get my outstanding project for my part time job or my taxes done in time.  Nevertheless, I am determined to keep on plugging away and get as much done as possible.   I hope to report that all has been accomplished by some point tomorrow! :-) I am grateful that my computer is working well enough that I can post these little frustrations :-). Now I am off to a meeting and then home to file -- woot woot!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day Four -- Meeting Deadlines

Ok -- I am a bit under pressure.  I have quite a difficult time meeting deadlines and getting assignments done in a timely manner.  This has been a chronic problem for me since, well, for as long as I can recall :-( . 

I learned a new term for when I barely get by -- "Successful Procrastination".  However, it does not feel successful when the completion is accompanied by so much stress and anxiety.  This definitely has had a negative affect on my credibility and how others deem my reliability.  Therefore, some of my relationships have been significantly impacted by my tardiness.

Somehow I will learn to master better time management.  Am I taking on more than I can handle?  Am I overcommitting?  Am I wasting time foolishly? What am I avoiding and what am I gaining by procrastinating? These are only some of the many questions I have. 

I look forward to addressing this issue further very soon!   Gotta Run -- I AM LATE... again :-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day Three -- The Universe :-) and a little fun with Google/Wikipedia

At some point, I am going to layout an overview of what I specifically plan to accomplish (in terms of getting "my universe" in order) during this six month period.  However, today I was given another "gift" from the universe that I am on the right track!

-- ADVANCE WARNING :  I had not intended this to be such a ramble....sorry! :-)

I am involved in the book club at work.  We were invited to read Execution by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan and then participate in a roundtable discussion on how the book applies to geting things done in our corporate culture and within the subsidiary business units.  Although I admit I had not read the book in its entirety (yet), I had read enough so that I could fully participate in the discussion.  However, of the portions I did read, the author referred to Jack Welch, bestselling author and former CEO of GE, and I was immediately intrigued. So far the concept of Execution has inspired me to get more done and to learn more!

[On a side note -- in the fall of 2008 I was introduced to the NBC Sitcom, 30 Rock and became a fan! (ref.  acquisition of NBC by GE - Jack Welch, former CEO of GE)].    

[Second side note -- Before I googled Jack Welch I had confused  the name with Peter Lynch.  Peter Lynch had given the commencement speech to our graduating class in 1999.  Lynch, formerly was a prominent investor with Fidelity/Magellen Fund, yet currently is employed as a consultant for Fidelity.  In addition to being an active fundraiser, volunteer and philanthropist, Lynch has written several books about his life on Wall Street. Unfortunately, I also learned Lynch was implicated with trading issues and settled with the SEC.]

[Sidenote three-- For the last four years, (starting in May '06) I have worked in the Legal Department of a Real Estate conglomerate with a concentration on Securites, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Corporate Governance.   Somehow all these things can be tied together with what I have been reading about. (Welch, Lynch were listed in the top wealthiest Bostonions in 5/16/06 article from Boston Magazine.  Also listed was a tycoon with same family name but not related as far as I know as well as another megamillionaire with the same name as our CEO.]

Today, while chatting with a friend we talked about the blog and whether or not it could be googled,  I tried to google "10-10-10".   First response back was a book written by Suzy Welch (wife of Jack Welch) and co-author of bestseller Winning.

Although I had never heard of the book before, the subject matter is very much aligned with my current goals.  This is an excerpt from the Amazon page about the book "Today, 10-10-10 is how Jack and I--and thousands of other parents--bring understanding and joy into our families. It’s our philosophy and our practical guide. How? Well, 10-10-10 is a decision-making process. Applied regularly, it gives parents as a team a shared language to talk about choices and their consequences, in matters both major and mundane. It surfaces values and expectations. It diffuses crises; it teaches responsibility. Invariably, it increases trust. And best of all, it does so swiftly and with remarkable ease. Now, I realize parenting can’t ever be easy. But I assure you that 10-10-10 makes it easier. Indeed, you only have to see 10-10-10 in action once to discover, as Jack did back in the kitchen that day, that parenting can be transformed for the better, by how we decide to decide."

WOW --  Is it just a coincidence that one of my issues has been difficulty making decisions or is there a greater significance that I discovered this book now?   I think I may have already read some of Suzy Welch's other articles in  O Magazine (note to the reader - I most likely will make references to other Oprah material or the like throughout my blog future), but never knew the connection until now.  Plus even if I am not currently a parent, I may someday be one. Or perhaps once I actually learn what the 10-10-10 principle is I may be able to apply it to myself.   Recently, I have felt as if I am finally "growing up" :-) and am learning to make better, healthier decisions.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day Two - Wow :-) Feeling good

Today was fantastic.  I was productive and exercised very good self care :-).  I can't help but smile.  Was it because I had a blast at the hockey game with Ed & Co. last night? Was it because yesterday and today were beautiful? Perhaps because I had dinner with a very nice friend and was served a tasty meal by handsome waitstaff?  Was it because I know I am breaking down a GIANT project for myself into smaller digestable parts and am enjoying the process?    Could be all of it! Looking forward to a productive week! :-)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day One - What the countdown to 10/10/10 means

The countdown to 10/10/10 means that in exactly six months from today, all aspects of my life will be organized.  :-) .   I will divide and conquer the messiness with faith, hope, and love.

I choose no longer to suffer from procrastination, strained relationships and a messy environment, but instead I choose to exercise better judgment, so that i may operate more effectively and efficiently.

I look forward to sharing my progress each day as I dismantle this "ticking bomb" of organized and disorganized chaos that dwells in my apartment, car, closets, files, piles, boxes, heart, head, places of employment, relationships, health, finances, etc.

The countdown begins!