Monday, April 26, 2010

Days 15, 16, 17 -- Ahhhh and then some

Big sigh... Sooo much to catch up on.  Friday night was fun -- girl time chatting about make up, hair styles, and those who have positively influenced us :-).  Saturday morning was a combo of taking care of my hair/nails and getting my car serviced.  Yuck, I needed new brake pads -- $$$. Then had a very yummy two hour sushi lunch at Sushi Palace with Ed in Edison.  Then we retreated to our respective homes for an hour nap.  Ed came back and we drove to Morristown to meet with friends for dinner.  Dinner was followed by a fun evening of dancing and lip syncing to a friend's band belting out hits from 70's, 80's and 90's.  Sunday morning was lazy.  In the afternoon, I met up with PTJ boss's prodigy.  Then I met with a counselor to work on my fatty issues... I have a game plan in place for that...Now if only I would schedule time for myself to exercise and to choose healthier foods/meals I would be all set.   I admit I am having trouble following through and getting started...In a way -- it is another way of procrastinating.  :-) aha.

Today was so/so.  Work was ok.  I spent the evening watching TV shows with Ed.  Now time for bed.  Tomorrow is a fresh start...