Monday, April 12, 2010

Day Three -- The Universe :-) and a little fun with Google/Wikipedia

At some point, I am going to layout an overview of what I specifically plan to accomplish (in terms of getting "my universe" in order) during this six month period.  However, today I was given another "gift" from the universe that I am on the right track!

-- ADVANCE WARNING :  I had not intended this to be such a ramble....sorry! :-)

I am involved in the book club at work.  We were invited to read Execution by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan and then participate in a roundtable discussion on how the book applies to geting things done in our corporate culture and within the subsidiary business units.  Although I admit I had not read the book in its entirety (yet), I had read enough so that I could fully participate in the discussion.  However, of the portions I did read, the author referred to Jack Welch, bestselling author and former CEO of GE, and I was immediately intrigued. So far the concept of Execution has inspired me to get more done and to learn more!

[On a side note -- in the fall of 2008 I was introduced to the NBC Sitcom, 30 Rock and became a fan! (ref.  acquisition of NBC by GE - Jack Welch, former CEO of GE)].    

[Second side note -- Before I googled Jack Welch I had confused  the name with Peter Lynch.  Peter Lynch had given the commencement speech to our graduating class in 1999.  Lynch, formerly was a prominent investor with Fidelity/Magellen Fund, yet currently is employed as a consultant for Fidelity.  In addition to being an active fundraiser, volunteer and philanthropist, Lynch has written several books about his life on Wall Street. Unfortunately, I also learned Lynch was implicated with trading issues and settled with the SEC.]

[Sidenote three-- For the last four years, (starting in May '06) I have worked in the Legal Department of a Real Estate conglomerate with a concentration on Securites, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Corporate Governance.   Somehow all these things can be tied together with what I have been reading about. (Welch, Lynch were listed in the top wealthiest Bostonions in 5/16/06 article from Boston Magazine.  Also listed was a tycoon with same family name but not related as far as I know as well as another megamillionaire with the same name as our CEO.]

Today, while chatting with a friend we talked about the blog and whether or not it could be googled,  I tried to google "10-10-10".   First response back was a book written by Suzy Welch (wife of Jack Welch) and co-author of bestseller Winning.

Although I had never heard of the book before, the subject matter is very much aligned with my current goals.  This is an excerpt from the Amazon page about the book "Today, 10-10-10 is how Jack and I--and thousands of other parents--bring understanding and joy into our families. It’s our philosophy and our practical guide. How? Well, 10-10-10 is a decision-making process. Applied regularly, it gives parents as a team a shared language to talk about choices and their consequences, in matters both major and mundane. It surfaces values and expectations. It diffuses crises; it teaches responsibility. Invariably, it increases trust. And best of all, it does so swiftly and with remarkable ease. Now, I realize parenting can’t ever be easy. But I assure you that 10-10-10 makes it easier. Indeed, you only have to see 10-10-10 in action once to discover, as Jack did back in the kitchen that day, that parenting can be transformed for the better, by how we decide to decide."

WOW --  Is it just a coincidence that one of my issues has been difficulty making decisions or is there a greater significance that I discovered this book now?   I think I may have already read some of Suzy Welch's other articles in  O Magazine (note to the reader - I most likely will make references to other Oprah material or the like throughout my blog future), but never knew the connection until now.  Plus even if I am not currently a parent, I may someday be one. Or perhaps once I actually learn what the 10-10-10 principle is I may be able to apply it to myself.   Recently, I have felt as if I am finally "growing up" :-) and am learning to make better, healthier decisions.