Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day Seven Plus Day Eight :-) Cause i am late

I initiated this entry last night.    However, while watching a cheesy movie, I became distracted and before I knew it I had lost track of time and it was past midnight.  By then another movie had started and eventually I fell asleep.  (bad pattern).

Unfortunately, I discovered in the morning the text I had written was gone because I had not saved it.  To be honest it was not that thrilling so not that much of a loss.   Basically, I just recapped that yesterday was very productive at my FT job. (At this rate 6 weeks to 2 months I will be completely caught up with all at my full time job.  It will be a complilation of the work I have done since May 2006).  In the evening, I was able to make dinner, get some laundry done, and get organized a little. I still have not tackled my PT job stuff yet... bummer.  Although, on a brighter note, I did hear Jake got a job! Yay!

I am waiting now for Ed to arrive.  We are taking off for a wedding this afternoon somewhere in NY.  Should be fun :-).  I think I have pretty much everything I need.  So not a terrible packing job! yay - small victory!

I still wish I used my time better to work on the stuff for PT job... oh well.  i am going to pack it in the car.  We have an 90 minute drive.  Maybe I can chip away a little of it on the road.

Above all, I hope to relax and enjoy my quality time with Ed.  :-) Balance is what I am striving for!

Hopefully, I will be able to write day nine tomorrow.  If not, I am aiming for day ten on Monday!

Next week's goal will be to get my blackberry running again.