Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 19 -- Bleh

I feel crummy.  I have the chills.  My head is throbbing.  I feel crampy.  I feel congested.  I do not feel postive energy flowing through me now.  I feel like a potato sack - yuck.  Nevertheless, I chipped away at a few to do items.   The shining moment so far was that I really enjoyed today's book club session.  Here is an excerpt from my thank you note to the group leader, VP of a marketing brand:

Thank you for presenting The First 90 Days to the Book Club today. While reading the book I thought about these three simple questions (provided by a mentor) that I ask myself whenever I am making a transition or taking on a new endeavour:

1) What did I do that I want to stop doing

2) What didn’t I do that I want to start doing

3) What did I do that I want to continue doing

This simple exercise allows myself to examine that what worked in one setting may not apply in another. A new “home” or job may require new mandates or protocol. Yet, what may have worked in another setting may also still be a good approach in a new setting/environment. As we discussed in the group, this book seemed to echo some of that philosophy.

I look forward to examining the book futher so that I may help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of my current role, as well as, help others that might be coming on board. I have found it helpful to take assessments on a seasonal basis. Coincidentally, that is a 90 day period.

Many thanks and best wishes in your new home/job,


Well for now I am off to a meeting - one that I will be on time for! :-) woo hoo.